Holiday Break...

IB Chemistry:
Holiday Break! HW= Log on (or register for free) to  Register for my class by searching teacher name= Bullock and class= Chem.  There are lots of Bullocks, so make sure you pick the correct class "Casie Bullock" and "IB Chem".
Take the Quantitative and Bonding quizzes by Tuesday 1/7.  You need a score of 60% or better to get credit, but you can retake them and there are explanations for each answer at the end.  I will receive notification, no need to print the results.

Have a great break and a very happy start to 2014!
Your holiday break homework is just a worksheet in your packet- the Mole Islands WS.  I'd hate to have you forget how to comvert moles, liters, grams, and molecules over the 2 weeks you're off!  We'll review when you get back anyway.
Have a great holiday and a very happy start to 2014!

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