What's going on in class 4/1-4/15

IB Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry!
You'll be learning about the Chemistry of global warming, acid rain, water treatment, ozone, and even waste dumps.  Yee-ha.  ESS students have a huge advantage, but will be looking at issues from a chem perspective only in this class.

Wastewater Videos:
(1) Why water is an issue

(2) UN Water Stats (Check out the sanitation and pollution sections in particular)
(3) Treatment Plant Tour
Extra Credit: make a city on electrocity.co.nz and email it to me.  You just need to survive for 150 turns to get the credit.  I'll discuss how to play the game in class.  
My teacher code is: CB18603


Homework due Wednesday 4/10:
Literacy (AKA reading and writing) in science is just as important as in any other subject.  Your homework for the next few days is to read the article titled "Rain like Vinegar" on pg 607 of your text book and write a summary/reflection of the article.  The summary/reflection can be creative writing, a poem, a song, or even a cartoon strip but must address the following specific points:

What are the two types of acid formed in acid rain?
What causes acid rain? (One man made and one natural)
One way that chemistry has helped to reduce the effects of acid rain.
Your reaction (feelings) to the article.

You will get 5 points for each topic addressed for a total of 20 points.   Good luck!!